National, News

Speaker Nunu reshuffles parliamentary committees

By Bida Elly David


Speaker of National Legislative Assembly, Jemma Nunu Kumba on Friday reshuffled all parliamentary committees after their office tenure ended.

The speaker eventually announced reconstituted committee heads, during the first parliamentary session after lawmakers’ return from three months recess.

According to the timeframe of services, chief whips, deputies, as well as heads and deputy heads of all standing specialized committees, are entitled to serve for two years.

Based on the order read by the speaker on Friday, changes have been made, with a few lawmakers maintaining their seats based on performance appraisals.

Top on the list of the new appointees, Hon. James Kueth was appointed as the government’s chief whip (SPLM) while, Hon. Farouk Gathkuoth maintained his opposition of chief whip (SPLM-IO).

Hon. Mahjub Biel Turuk, chief whip (SSOA); Sunday Philip Kuot, chief whip (OPP) while Hon. Taban Luka Guya, take up whip (National Agenda) and Hakim Garang, whip (FDs).

Meanwhile, the new appointments of chairpersons and deputies of the standing specialized committees consist of the following:

Hon. Dr. James Mabor Gatkuoth, head of the Committee for Legislation and Justice (SPLM-IO), Hon. Michael Ayuen Johnson, Committee for Defense and veteran affairs (SSOA), Hon. Kom Kom Geng, Committee for National Security and public order (SPLM), Hon. Changkuoth Bichiok, Committee for Finance and Economic Planning (SSOA), and Hon. Joseph Malwal Dong, committee for foreign affairs and international cooperation (SPLM-IO).

Hon. Franco Akech heads the Committee on Labor (SPLM), Hon. Wiu Kun Kiyang heads the Committee for Public Service and Human Resource Development (SPLM-IO), Hon. Charles Majak Aler chairs the Committee of Member’s Affairs, Ethics, and Integrity (SPLM), Hon. Justin Joseph Marona heads the Committee on Public Accounts (SPLM-IO), Hon. Oliver Mori Benjamin heads the Committee of Information (SPLM),

Additionally, Hon. Dr. William Othwon was appointed as head of the Committee of human rights (SPLM), Hon. Paul Baba Committee for Trade and Industry (SPLM-IO), Hon. Mayik Deng Committee for Agriculture and Food Security (OPP), Hon. Ishaq Alias Ibrahim Committee on Gender child Social Welfare and religious affairs (SSOA), Hon. Deng Mathiang Ngong committee on youth and sports (SPLM), and Hon. Edward Dominic Kiyawa committee on health and population (SPLM-IO).

Others include the Hon. Joice Icha Committee on General Education and Instructions (SPLM), Hon. Chier Ramnzi Monypiny Committee on Land and physical infrastructure (SPLM), Hon. Rebecca Aluel Committee on peace and Reconciliation (SPLM), Hon. Nyibol Bol Matiop committee on constituency development funds (SPLM), and the Hon. Magot Maker Mayinde committee on water resources and irrigation (DCP).

Moreover, Hon. Nyanach Pal Gai will head the committee on federal affairs (National Agenda), the Hon. Wazim George Kandi committee on governance, assurance, monitoring, follow-up, and evaluation (SPLM-IO), the Hon. Phillip Jeben Ogal committee on regional integration and East African Affairs (OPP), the Hon. Monyluak Gudi Ayom committee on transport (SPLM-IO), and finally the Hon. Bataria Monytor committee on environment and forestry (SPLM).

In her remarks, speaker Nunu appreciated the former lawmakers tasked with running the specialized committees in good spirit, with a focus on the chief whips and the whips, heads of specialized committees, and their deputies.

The speaker also urged the predecessors to kindly hand over all necessary office items to the new officials so they could start their work.


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