National, News

Police condemn revenge killing


By Yang Ater


Authorities in Lakes State are pursuing a suspect involved in the killing of an individual from Panyijiar County in Unity State last week. The incident occurred in Amongpiny Payam.

Lakes State Police spokesperson, Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, in an interview with the No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper on Monday said the victim, a young man from Panyijiar County was part of a peace dialogue delegation.

He said the victim was tragically and unexpectedly killed by a young man from Amongpiny Payam in Rumbek Central County.

The victim had reportedly ventured alone to the market to purchase grains when he encountered the assailant, who attacked and shot him. A 12-year-old child from Amongpiny Payam was also killed in the crossfire.

The suspect fled the crime scene, but thanks to the swift response of the police and other security agencies in the area, the remaining members of the peace delegation were provided with security.

A report was promptly sent to Rumbek, and the Commissioner of Rumbek Central County intervened, successfully persuading the delegates to return to their area.

He said the security forces are pursuing the suspect to conduct a thorough investigation.

Maj. Makuac described the incidents as tragic and condemned them in the strongest possible terms.

He further revealed that the motive behind the killing in Amongpiny Payam was revenge for the suspect’s brother, who was killed by criminals from Panyijiar County in Unity State a month ago.

Maj. Makuac appealed to the people of Lakes State, particularly those residing in border areas such as Amongpiny in Rumbek Central County, Rumbek North County of Pakam, and Yirol East County, not to take the law into their own hands.

The spokesperson encouraged citizens to cooperate with the government by providing information about any suspects or individuals involved in criminal activities who attempt to escape justice.

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