National, News

SSP1.5 billion each for Political party’s pre-election activities

By William Madouk


Registered political parties may soon receive a financial boost of 1.5 billion South Sudanese pounds each to fund their activities in preparation for the 2024 elections.

This is after the Political Parties Council announced yesterday the receipt of the first instalment of $5 million (equivalent to SSP 7.6 billion) obligator fund.

In line with the Political Parties Act, 2012 (amended) sections 34 and 35–(1) (a) and (b), the obligatory fund shall be allocated to eligible political parties.

PPC chairman Eng James Akol Zakayo told journalists that only fourteen (14) registered political parties are eligible to get a share of the money.

According to Zakayo, PPC had received approximately $5 million and based on the distribution formula, each political party would receive SSP1.5 billion only.

“So, the funding allocated to us, is to meet the pre-election activities–funding that was given is 5 million, which is roughly SSP7.6 billion,” he explained.

“We have a resolution that is reached by the council, the order No.02/2024 for allocation of fund SSP1.5 billion for eligible parties,” Zakayo announced.

Moreover, the PPC emphasised that all parties must be allocated shares for paying directly or indirectly remuneration, fees, rewards, allowances, or any other benefit to a member or supporter of the party, other than a member of staff.

He also cautioned against the usage of the fund to finance or as a contribution to any matter, cause, event or occasion directly or indirectly in contravention of any code of ethics binding on public officials.

The fund also would not be used for the purposes of establishing any business, acquiring or maintaining any right or financial interest whatsoever the business is, even in any immovable property.

“For any other purpose incompatible with the promotion of a multiparty democracy and the electoral processes or with the constitution,” he continued.

The stated fund shall be strictly utilized in accordance with the stipulated provision in section 37 of the Political Parties Act, 2012 (amended),” he added.

“A political party that fails to comply with provisions of this section, shall during the period of non-compliance, be disqualified from receiving money from the political parties fund (PPF),” Zakayo warned.

In Political Parties Council database, Zakayo revealed that only fourteen parties are registered, while 21 political parties applied and are yet to complete registration procedures.

In February 2024, Mr. Zakayo called on the government to avail $13.5 million of the Political Parties Fund before the end of the mandate in June.

According to him, the funding includes the expansion of the PPC to the states and three administrative areas.


Early this year, the political party’s council announced the registration of the political parties ahead of the December election, giving conditions to meet the requirement.

It noted that the political parties should provide the list of the party members authorized to sign the party documents on behalf of the party

The council stated: “The body should reflect regional, ethnic diversity, gender             balance and representation of special interest groups.”

It added, “The body has at least one member from each state; at least 35% of the members of the body are women.”

It further noted that “The provisional registration of a political party which has applied for full registration shall be valid until the party is issued with a certificate of full registration or until the application of the political party to be registered has been rejected.”

A political party that has only been provisionally registered shall not be entitled to participate in any election, the council said.



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