National, News

Vatican suspends Fr. Mathiang Machol

By Charles K Mark


Top Catholic leadership in the Vatican, Rome, has suspended South Sudanese priest, Fr. Mathiang Machol from the Holy Calling.  

Fr. Mathiang has recently been released from prison after spending nearly three years in jail on charges of plotting to kill then-Bishop Christian Carlassare of the Rumbek Diocese.

His Eminence, Cardinal Stephen Ameyu Martin Mullah revealed suspension of the priest to the press during an emergency Sudan and South Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference, meeting on Tuesday.

“According to Code of Canon Law, ‘a person who does this against a bishop incurs a latae sententiae interdict and if he is a cleric, also a latae sententiae suspension,” Cardinal Stephen read a statement from the Holy See.

As a result of the suspension, Father Mathiang will be deprived of receiving and administering sacraments until further notice.

The Catholic Bishops Conference condemned the alleged act and expressed their prayers for Father Mathiang’s full healing.

They have also called for a thorough investigation into the attempted assassination of Bishop Carlassare.

“The Church in South Sudan will not be silenced or intimidated by such acts,” emphasized Cardinal Mulla.

Father Mathiang had been convicted in 2022 by the Juba High Court for conspiracy in relation to the shooting.

However, following an appeal by the defense attorney, the Supreme Court acquitted Father Mathiang of the charges.


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