
Drunk cyclist injures two in a refugee camp

By Jurugo Emmanuel Ogasto


A drunk cyclist riding a tricycle with no headlamp, knocked a bodaboda operator, injuring two South Sudanese nationals at a refugee settlement in Uganda.

Kasim Limo, an eyewitness told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, that three South Sudanese nationals have been rushed to Adjumani Hospital after motorcycle accident, on Wednesday.

He said that the tricycle rider, who was drunk, caused the accident along Pagirinya-Ayilo road.

A motorcycle number plate, UFN872U, collided at at around 7 a.m with a tricycle number plate, UDP697V, which had no headlamd.

The victims were identified as Konyio Florence, Juma Majid, a rider of a tricycle, and Majur Peter, a boda boda rider in Ayilo, a refugee settlement.

He also said the three victims were all unconscious and sustained head injuries.

“When this accident happened, I was personally there. The rickshaw driver who was coming from Pagirinya side had no light, and on top, he was drunk because when we went near the scene, his body was smelling alcohol,” the eyewitness narrated.

Kasim said he called the police in Dzaipi station, and the survivors were rescued and taken to the hospital.

The incident was registered at Dzaipi police station before being transferred to Adjumani.

“I called the Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Dzaipi police station, and he had to also call the management of Dzaipi hospital, and these people were taken to Adjumani hospital in a critical condition,” he added.

Meanwhile, the area local council one (LC1) of Magara village, Tako Ben, urged Boda boda riders to be cautious of their lives while driving or riding on the road.

“These people are really hard to advice; they ride for money, not lives. I advise them to first think of their lives,’’ he appealed.

Vundru Charles, the boda boda deputy chairman of Dzaipi Park Stage, appealed to boda bodas to desist from drinking while at work.

“Let us not drink while at work; you can enjoy your life after work,’’ he advised.

He also appealed to the Adjumani district local government to improve road infrastructure, especially from Pagirinya to the Ayilo refugee settlement.





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