National, News

East African Court summons South Sudan gov’t over Kalisto’s disappearance

By Charles K Mark


East African Court of Justice has summoned the government of South Sudan over arbitrary detention of former mayor of Juba City, Kalisto Lado Faustino.

The court summons letter dated April 16, 2024, from the East African Court of Justice, first division at Arusha, Tanzania, was directed to the South Sudan Attorney General’s chambers upon its failure to reveal Lado’s whereabouts.

“You are hereby notified that the above-named applicant has instituted a reference against you,” the summons letter reads in part.

According to the court summons, South Sudan’s Attorney General is expected to answer questions on the whereabouts of Kalisto Lado, who was allegedly arrested by the national security service and kept incommunicado.

“You are hereby required to file a response within 45 days from the day of service hereof. In default, the reference will be heard and determined in your absence,” the summon stated.

The former Mayor was reported missing on 30th March this year after allegedly being whisked out by national security agents from his residence in Hai Kuwait.

Lado was reportedly subjected to random beatings in the presence of his wife before being forcibly transported in a Toyota Landcruiser.

M/S Pan African Law Chamber LLP, a law firm, filed the complaint at the East African Court of Justice.

An advocate with the firm, in an earlier letter seen by this outlet, detailed Lado’s alleged kidnapping on March 30, 2024.

According to the advocate, Lado suffered injuries, including swelling of the shoulder, neck, leg, and cheek, as well as bleeding from the nose, as a result of severe beating.



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