OpEd, Politics

It’s a popular call to end conflict, re-establish a peaceful state, and reunite our people

By Ustaz Mark Bang


We are mercilessly ignoring the state of being free-minded citizens—citizens that never opened their eyes to see what is killing our people; citizens conspire for things that divide us; and citizens always keep mouths open to be fed by those to whom we rally behind them, whether culturally, politically, or economically. If I were to be all the country’s citizens who have a heart of humanity, integrity, love, honesty, forgiveness, and unity, I would have made a decision that would be in the best interest of our people, our resources, and all the lives that exist here in our country. It’s our obligation to hold the view that never divides us, the view that establishes unity, and the view that puts forward the needs of this nation as priority number one. Peace does not want any price from any party or person; it needs everybody to set a strong ladder that won’t be broken by a heavy-weight individual that may happen to climb it, putting down our weapons that we are in possession as the best option for safe lives in our country, and this doesn’t want Mr. President to put it as an order. The top government shouldn’t make it on its own to impose the law that forces any person to put down weapons if none of the civil population doesn’t accept by themselves what happens to them? Putting it clearly, our government doesn’t come from nowhere but from within us, the citizens of this nation.

As we all know, those who are dying days and nights are our brothers and sisters. Why can we decide to take a decision that may relieve us from such tragic day and night suffering that never ends? We will finish ourselves as poor brothers and sisters, and the orphaned sons and daughters would still be ruled by the same faces that are ruling us now. We better find alternatives to alleviate the suffering that dependencies cause. We better learn how to beg or else try to make our richest from our own sweat. Not only have we forgotten the results of our actions now, but also that the implications of what is happening now would no sooner than later be regretted if all of us tried to stop these massive sufferings. Conflict makes it this way: rising action and falling action.

Rising Action

Rising action occurs when the main problem or conflict is addressed with a form of action. The rising action always leads up to the climax. During the rising action, the protagonist often encounters some sort of crisis that creates tension.

The climax is the pivotal point in the story when the protagonist deals with. The climax often centers on the protagonist’s most difficult challenge or bleakest moment, according to Pasadena City College.

The climax occurs when the primary protagonists decide to eat poisonous berries and commit double suicide rather than kill one another. The climax is the most exciting part of the story and initiates a turning point in the characters’ lives.

Falling Action

The falling action occurs immediately after the climax and details the consequences, good or bad, that the characters must deal with after the turning point of events. It leads up to the resolution and sets the stage for the final chapter of the story. For example, in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, the falling action occurs when the antagonist assaults two of the primary protagonists — Scout and Jem Finch — and the town recluse saves the children by killing. The altercation is a direct result of the climax: he wants revenge after the children’s father, an attorney, defends an innocent black man and rebukes him for lying about the case and mistreating his own daughter.

The resolution tells us what happens to the characters after the conflict is resolved. All the loose ends are tied up, unless the author plans to write a sequel and purposely leaves room for further plot developments. Some stories have happy endings; others have sad endings. The resolution leaves readers with a sense of closure, so they understand the fate of the protagonists and antagonists.

What contributes to peace?

We believe that peace is more than just the absence of violence. While the period after fighting stops and a return to normality is welcome, stability frequently masks the reality that grievances or other causes of conflict have not been addressed and may erupt again. Peacebuilding organizations such as Alert ultimately strive to promote what is described as ‘positive peace’.

To understand peacebuilding, we need to appreciate the factors that contribute to peace, the absence of which can potentially lead to conflict. Positive peace is when everyone lives in safety, without fear or threat of violence, and no form of violence is tolerated in law or in practice. Everyone is equal before the law, the systems for justice are trusted, and fair and effective laws protect people’s rights. Everyone is able to participate in shaping political decisions and the government is accountable to the people. Everyone has fair and equal access to the basic needs for their wellbeing, such as food, clean water, shelter, education, healthcare, and a decent living environment. Everyone has an equal opportunity to work and make a living, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or any other aspect of identity.

These are the factors that, taken together, provide people with the resilience that allows them to deal with their differences and conflicts without violence.

Peacebuilding means

Peacebuilding approaches and methods are varied and diverse, but they all ultimately work to ensure that people are safe from harm, have access to law and justice, are included in the political decisions that affect them, have access to better economic opportunities, and enjoy better livelihoods.

Some of the ways in which this can be achieved are bringing different groups together to build trust and promote reconciliation; engaging in various forms of diplomacy and support for formal peace processes; strengthening democracy and inclusive politics. inclusion of marginalized groups, and active citizenship initiatives improving justice systems. anti-corruption initiatives, constitutional reforms, access to justice initiatives, truth commissions, working to improve community security and shape the behavior of security forces working together with business and trade to create sustainable jobs or improve their employment practices, improving infrastructure, and urban and rural planning.

Creating free and inclusive media-making development programs (health, education, and economic development) in conflict areas more sensitive to conflict dynamics so that they deliberately contribute to peace.

Importantly, peacebuilding is done collaboratively at local, national, regional, and international levels. Individuals, communities, civil society organizations, governments, regional bodies, and the private sector all play a role in building peace. To sustain positive change, everyone affected by a violent conflict has to be involved in the process of building peace.

The writer of this article is a human rights activist, writer, and professional teacher.

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