News, Warrap

Gunman shoots one dead, injures 3 others

By Hou Akot Hou


At least one person was killed, and three others wounded in a gunfire on Tuesday at Yith-Liet market in Kuac South Payam, Gogrial West County, Warrap State.

The area Police Inspector, Joseph Mathony confirmed the incident to the media.

“An armed assailant opened fire indiscriminately in the market, killing one person instantly and injuring three others. The suspect fled the scene but was apprehended by officers who pursued him,” the police inspector narrated.

The deceased has been identified as Bol Mayuat Tong, who succumbed to gunshot wounds while being transported by motorcycle to a medical facility.

Meanwhile the injured, Madut Manyuat Madut, Ayom Abuk and a third survivor whose identity has not been established.

The motive of the shooting remains unknown, however the Police Inspector confirmed arrest of the prime suspect, who is under custody for interrogation.

These types of shootings are common in country, often stemming from cattle ownership disputes, marital disagreements, or resource sharing conflicts.

Despite efforts by security forces to reduce tensions, some politicians are accused of secretly supplying weapons to fuel these conflicts for personal gain.

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