Lakes state, News

Lakes State graduates 200 in vocational skills

By Yang Ater Yang


At least 200 youth and women in Lakes State have graduated from vocational skilling in a three-month program.

Vocational Skills Development Organization (VOSDO) trained the beneficiaries through funding from Sweden.

Equipped in nine different areas, that include tailoring, animal treatment and agriculture, among others, the graduates are expected to exercise the skills acquired.

Speaking during the graduation ceremony, William Bior Atem, VOSDO project manager, said the graduates included 178 men and 22 women.

Training centers were located in Rumbek with 121 trainees, Yirol with 56 trainees, and Cueibet with the least number of 23 trainees.

Upon completion of the courses, graduates received certificates and startup kits based on their chosen skills.

Those trained in livestock production received 2 goats each, while carpentry trainees received workshop tools.

According to the organization offering the training, the program aimed to increase employment opportunities for beneficiaries, encourage self-employment and entrepreneurship, and further provide alternative livelihoods to discourage reliance on violence.

Lakes State Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports, William Koji Kerjok, expressed appreciation for UNDP’s support in his key remarks and highlighted a separate loan program for youth.

John Mariik Riak, one of the graduates of veterinary training, thanked the government, saying he plans to share his knowledge with others in his community.

Stephen Mathiang Deng, Lakes State Minister of Cabinet Affairs, emphasized the importance of vocational training for unemployed youth.

He challenged VOSDO to utilize the carpentry skills learned during the program by making chairs for future events instead of renting them.

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