Central Equatoria State, News

Yei launches second Polio vaccination campaign

James Innocent


Health authorities and partners in Yei River County, Central Equatoria State have launched a second polio vaccination campaign, area targeting over 41,000 children under five years old.

Susan Yabu, a health officer and focal person for World Health Organization (WHO), explained their target in the four-day campaign.

“We are launching the second polio vaccination campaign in Yei River County. We aim to vaccinate over 41,000 children across all Payams in Yei. We’ll be using our well-trained volunteers to administer the vaccine,” Yabu said.

She acknowledged challenges faced during the first campaign in reaching certain villages.

Emmanuel Taban, a Yei County health official, commended community participation and urged vaccinators to prioritize previously unreached areas.

He hinted the role of stakeholders saying they are ambassadors who carry accurate information to the public.

Denis William working with Across, a non-governmental organization, underlined that their new project targets returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs).

“We have new arrivals from refugee settlements and IDPs within Yei. We’ll ensure everyone, especially children, receives the vaccine,” he assured.

Meanwhile, Juan Margaret Lamora, Yei River County’s education director, underscored the importance of well-trained volunteers.

“We’re ensuring medical workers train volunteers to provide accurate information, collect accurate data, and administer the right vaccine, especially to school children,” she explained.


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