National, News

Parliament to scrutinize Juba-Beijing Economic Agreement

By Kidega Livingstone


National Legislative Assembly is set to debate and potentially enact an economic, trade, and technical cooperation agreement with China.

The Cooperation Agreement was signed by President Salva Kiir Mayardit following his visits to China for bilateral ties between Juba and Beijing.

Justice Minister Ruben Madol Arol presented the agreement document to the Assembly on Monday after it was passed by the cabinet in its regular meeting No.01/2024 held on Friday 12th January 2024.

“Following approval by the National Council of Ministers, I submit this agreement for your deliberation and enactment” Madol explained.

The agreement aims to promote economic cooperation between the two countries, including encouraging joint ventures and technical projects.

After its presentation by the justice minister, the chairperson of standing committee for information, Mori Oliver Benjamin, outlined the next steps.

“The agreement will be reviewed by a joint committee including representatives from Finance, Trade, Investment, and Economic Affairs, Legislation, and Foreign Affairs. After two weeks, they will report back for further discussion and deliberation” Oliver told the media.

Key Points of the Agreement:

The initial agreement period is one year, but it’s subject to annual renewal unless terminated with three months’ notice.

Its purpose is to encourage economic, trade, and technical cooperation between businesses and individuals in both countries.

According to the document, both countries will encourage delegations and commissions focused on economic, trade, and technical matters to visit each other’s territories.

Also Trade Fairs: Each country will facilitate the participation of its businesses in international trade fairs held in the other country.

Finally a Short-Term Exhibitions: Citizens of each country will be granted easier permission to hold short-term exhibitions in the other’s territory.

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