National, News

Eastern Equatoria condemns sequential Cattle raids

By Ijoo Bosco


Eastern Equatoria government has denounced series of organized cattle raids between youth from Budi and Kapoeta counties. 

Speaking during a joint press conference, the state information minister, Elia John Alhaj said that on April 19, 2024, Didinga youth from Ngauro payam in Budi County raided cattle belonging to Toposa herders grazing near Ngauro.

“An exchange of gunfire erupted between the raiding party and Toposa youth during the cattle recovery attempt,” he said, clarifying that no casualties were reported.

Minister Elia further stated that on April 20, the same group from Ngauro returned to the grazing grounds and attacked the cattle camp again.

Meanwhile, the state minister of local government and law enforcement agency, Peter Lokeng Lotone noted that the raiders killed a number of livestock and wounded two youth.

“They indiscriminately shot at the cattle, killing 30 heads and wounding two boys,” Lokeng said “The locals then skinned the cows and transported the meat to Ngauro for sale”.

The officials further revealed that on April 23, three cattle kraals belonging to Namurunyang were also raided by Ngauro youth.

When contacted, Budi County Commissioner, Akileo Mboya confirmed the reports saying at least 10 cattle were shot dead during gunfire between the two parties.

According to the authorities, none of the cattle were recovered, and one person was killed with another wounded, during that raid.

Eastern Equatoria State government condemned the “criminal acts” in the strongest terms and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice, the minister stressed.


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