I have chosen to chase a good living standard in a rightful way. As for other ways, as you can see, I’m too fit to gain a good living standard by any other means.
I’m dam fit to join my uncle’s political camp and use my writing ability to earn money. I have a sweet tongue that can sell my uncle’s manifesto, in case he contests, at a high price.
I’m extremely fit to confront a rich girl or a rich woman, what they call a sugar mummy, and ask for her hand in love. Do you think she can reject me? Mind you, not every sugar mummy needs a handsome, pink-lip and gym boy. Some sugar mummies need brainy boys. Yes, that is my category. I’m a brainy boy.
I have no pink lip and a well-built body, but I have a brain armed with creativity and critical thinking. I can boost my sugar mummy’s present and future plans and that would earn me a thousand dollars.
I’m proudly fit to praise a rich man 24/7 and lock horns with his enemies and that would make me be recruited as a sycophant. Working as a sycophant, I would be gifted with an iPhone 15 pro max or any latest phone, accommodated in an apartment, and fed three times a day.
I’m crazily fit to insult the government anyhow and if warranted for an arrest, I take my gun and go to the bush. In the bush, I will be killing and looting my own people on Juba-Bahr El Ghazal road, on daily basis.
What else can peace-monger Salva Kiir Mayardit do? He will call for a peace negotiation with me and integrate me into the government. Maybe he will appoint me as a Vice President for Humanity Cluster, who knows? There I shall be accommodated in a luxurious hotel, paid a quadruple salary monthly, and entitled to other privileges in the presidency.
I’m fit to form a group of heartless medically fit gentlemen and arm them with rifles to loot people at night. I’m damn fit to do anything to earn a lump sum of money. But the question is, can I enjoy such an ill-gotten wealth to the end?
Can students I sponsor with such money study and excel in education? Can businesses I open with such wicked money thrive? Will my legacy remain indelible until the end of the earth? The answer is “NO” to all the above questions.
If I get wealth through a dirty way, I have no defense against whoever or whatever punishes owners of ill-gotten wealth never to grow old. Who am I to be spared? As I alluded to earlier, it is good to have poverty that has an explanation than having wealth has no explanation. It makes people’s lives hard, asking for the source of your wealth and unfortunately, you could not explain it.
My heart never jerks when I see someone counting money because I believe I will get it. It is a matter of time. On this planet, there is nothing exciting than having a clean legacy. Though poor people are seen like people suffering from a contagious disease, the fact that nothing wrong is said about them is soul-soothing.
I’m poor, yes, everyone is aware of it, but that would not make me go desperate for wealth. I’m contented with the little I have. If the right way for wealth refuses to allow me get wealth, then I would not exchange wealth for my dignity. My dignity is more important than wealth. It is not mandatory to be rich, but when you have what caters for your daily needs, you do not need to go desperate for more.
Thanks for reading “Sowing The Seed Of Truth”.