National, News

TAX-WAVER; Gov’t exempts humanitarian goods

By Bida Elly David


South Sudan government has exempted United Nations agencies, humanitarian organizations, and diplomatic missions from paying taxes.

National Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Awow Daniel Chuang issued a ministerial order on Friday.

The United Nations recently issued a statement complaining about the government’s introduction of a tax on humanitarian goods coming to South Sudan.

The ministerial order followed the appeals from the UN and diplomatic missions for the government to lift the tax.

“All the United Nations specialized agencies, humanitarian organizations, and diplomatic missions operating in South Sudan shall be exempted from payment of taxes and customs duties on goods imported for humanitarian purposes or for carrying out their activities in the country,” the order seen by No. 1 Citizen daily newspaper partly read.

However, the exemption comes with some limitations, which will affect companies contracted by humanitarian agencies to render services.

Minister Awow underscored that the United Nations Missions in South Sudan (UNMISS) contracted companies in the country shall not be subjected to the exemption.

“These UNMISS companies contracted to render services internally shall not be part of this exemption of taxes, charges, and fees levy on goods,” he ordered.

Awow stressed that those contracted companies will have to pay the tariffs because they are profit-making entities.

“These companies are profit-making entities, and as such, they are subject to applicable tax related to services provided as per the provisions,” he added.

Despite the exemption for UN agencies cargo being imported, Awow stated that they would be subjected to the electronic cargo tracking note process as a specified government policy.

“Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2 of this order, exempted entities shall comply with policies and procedures related to the E-Tracking system, E-Petroleum accreditation, and dipping, marking, and testing of fuel entering the country,” Awow emphasized.

By undergoing such a process, the minister said it will enable the government to undertake protectionism and monitoring policies for consumer protection.

“This is aimed at monitoring and regulating goods entering the country free of charge,” he noted.

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