National, News

Eastern Equatoria thrashes existence of rebels

By Ijoo Bosco


Eastern Equatoria State authorities have denied presence of a rebel group led by “Comedian Feel Free” in Magwi County.

They described the claims of new insurgency as attempts to spread fear among the local population.

Magwi County Commissioner Benjamin Pole Pole Olum, speaking during launch of the construction of Nimule inland port over the weekend confirmed the recent shooting incident at Nimule police station on April 25th, 2024, which resulted in two civilian injuries.

However, he dismissed the claim of responsibility by the self-proclaimed “People’s Freedom Movement” led by “Comedian Feel Free.”

Mr. Olum emphasized the need for swift government action against such malicious claims.

“We have experienced a minor security threat due to the recent announcement of a rebellion by Phillip Omon Bartolommeo, also known as ‘Comedian Feel Free,” Commissioner Olum stated.

“This individual claims responsibility for the Nimule police station attack, which requires our urgent attention.”

Governor Louis Lobong Lojore further condemned the fabricated claims of a rebel presence within Eastern Equatoria.

He branded these pronouncements as “rubbish” and attributed them to individuals seeking to exploit social media for their own purposes and mislead the public.

Governor Lobong stressed the devastating impact of past wars and rebellions on the people of Eastern Equatoria State, asserting that such threats do not and will not exist within the state’s borders.

“Let me be clear: this is nonsense,” Governor Lobong declared. “These are people who fight through social media, posting anything to confuse the population.”

“We have already endured the destruction of homes and property due to war and rebellion. We will never accept such nonsense here again. Anyone who wants to fight, let them do it elsewhere,” the governor warned.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lobong urged the Ma’di communities currently in exile to return home and rebuild their lives through agricultural activities instead of facing hardships in refugee camps.

He emphasized the importance of self-reliance and development within Eastern Equatoria.

“Come back to your homes, cultivate your land,” Governor Lobong appealed. “There is no quick fix for economic challenges. We must rebuild through hard work and unity.”

While acknowledging the April 25th press release by the “People’s Freedom Movement,” the Eastern Equatoria government maintains that the claims are unfounded and intended to create fear and instability.

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