National, News

Opposition accuses SSPDF of fresh recruitment

By Kidega Livingstone


Opposition parties to Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) have accused SSPDF of jeopardizing security arrangements by recruiting more soldiers.

In a recent report by CTSAMVM discussed by the members, it was alleged that the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) was involved in the recruitment and training of soldiers in Mathiang Barracks in Aweil town, North Bahr el Ghazal State.

CTSAMVM, however, didn’t clarify when the activities started.

Speaking during the CTSAMVM Technical Committee (CTC) meeting on Thursday, Senior Party Representative for the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) in CTSAMVM, Jany Kawacy Yoakhor, said the recruitment and training of the soldiers by the government is a violation of the peace agreement.

He stressed that the agreement was very clear about the unification, training, and deployment of the Army by parties to the agreement, especially SPLM-IO and SSOA.

He described the recruitment and training by SSPDF as “violations of the agreements.”

“There is no need for training and recruitment in Aweil without the knowledge of other political parties to the agreement. This shows the team a completely different thing,” he lamented.

The SSOA representative urged the leadership of not only the SSPDF but other armed political parties to stop this violation of the agreement.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) Senior Party Representative to CTSAMVM, Maj. Gen. Dr. Chuol Ruey Kompouok also urged the SSPDF to stop the exercise.

He emphasized that it’s very important to implement the transitional security arrangements that call for the unification, training, and redeployment of forces as stated in the revitalized agreement.

“I urged the SSPDF in terms of having separate training or alleged recruitment; these things should not continue because they will have different messages,” Chuol stated.

“And others who have graduated have been waiting instead of training and recruiting other members of the SSPDF. It’s very important to implement the unification of forces as spelt out in the agreement,” he said.

He added that the South Sudanese have suffered a lot, and they have to embrace peace.

Meanwhile, Incumbent Transitional Government of National Unity (ITGoNU) Senior Representative to CTSAMVM, Lt. Gen. Rabi Mujung Emmanuel, said the government, including SSPDF, acknowledged the CTSAMVM report, adding that recruitment and training of the soldiers by SSPDF are normal activities in the government army.

“We have been satisfied with the report of the CTISAMVM as the government, and we are ensuring any kind of training or recruitment is not a violation; it’s a normal activity in the government’s army,” said Lt. Gen. Rabi.




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