National, News

Two beheaded in Yirol East

By Yang Ater Yang


Two elderly men have been killed, and four children abducted by suspected armed youth from Panyijiar County, Unity State, in an attack on Yirol East County, Lakes State, on Thursday.

Lakes State Police Spokesman, Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac who confirmed the tragic incident reported that the security situation in Lakes State is generally calm, except for Yirol East County.

“This county faces ongoing issues with insecurity, cattle raids, and killings by armed criminals from neighboring Panyijiar County” he stated.

Makuac reported that the attackers, allegedly armed youth from Panyijiar County, raided a village called Mathiang, capturing six individuals: two elderly men and four children.

They also stole an unspecified number of cattle from grazing grounds.

“The criminals held the captives and cattle hostage,” Makuac explained. “They then beheaded the two elderly men before releasing the children at around 3:00 PM.”

The police spokesperson stated that security forces were immediately deployed to the area of the scene, which is inaccessible by vehicles.

“They spent the night searching the forest but were unable to locate the attackers, who had already returned to Panyijiar County,” Makuac said.

Meanwhile, the exact number of stolen cattle is still being determined. And local authorities are working with local residents to gather information on the missing animals.

“The four released children reported the attack,” Makuac stated. “The elderly men were not killed by firearms but were brutally slaughtered with knives. We urge the people of Yirol East to remain vigilant and ensure proper security measures are taken while grazing cattle to prevent similar incidents.”


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