National, News

Army deploys to quell Twic, Ngok conflict

By Bida Elly David


South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) has set military measures to end cycle of violence between Ngok Dinka of Abyei and Twic in Warrap State.

The conflict between Ngok and Twic communities over land ownership at the South Kiir River has been a long-standing issue, with no resolution from the government.

It conflict began in 2008 when the Ngok-Twic communities disagreed over land ownership at the South Kiir River.

In 2016, tensions rose due to complaints about taxation and illegal checkpoints on the way to Aneet Market, which led to Twic requesting that the Ngok Dinka relocate to the northern part of the river.

Twic Dinka claims that Ngok Dinka belongs to the north of the Kiir River, while the Misseriya tribe of neighboring Sudan claims that Ngok Dinka belongs south of the Kiir River. The border dispute around Abyei has further complicated the matter, effectively dismissing the very existence of Ngok Dinka.

To resolve the conflict, the SSPDF Chief of Defense Forces, Gen. Santino Deng Wol, has announced that they will take military measures to put an end to the conflict and promote peace.

“We want to solve the problem among Nuer, the Twic Ngok Dinka; we must make sure that we stop it so that our civilians have peace,” he echoed.

Gen. Santino underscored that there is a child in a house that can destroy a family relationship.

“There is no way a stranger comes to burn a house and you turn to set your own house on fire; therefore, it is our own role as the national army to intervene in the matter for the sake of peace for the people and the country at large,” he added.

“We have deployed forces to ensure that the dispute between the Ngok and Twic Dinka subsides and totally ends,” he reiterated.

Furthermore, Gen. Santino stressed that the SSPDF shall work with orders against the conflicting parties to adhere to the cessation of hostilities.

“No party among them shall refute our orders as an army; we are going to ensure that none of the youth among Ngok and Twic shall temper to abscond,” he emphasized.

Despite political solutions to the matter, no positive change has been realized; rather, further escalation of violence continues to rob innocent lives.

Recently, members of parliament urged the government to speedily resolve the tensions between the Ngok Dinka as well as work toward identifying the boundaries of each group to end further hatred.

They said the tension will not end if much effort is not exerted to ensure that the rights of both parties are respected.




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