National, News

Violence drives thousands to acute food insecurity–UN

Staff writer


An estimated 7.1 million people are expected to suffer from acute food insecurity between April and July 2024, according to the latest report.

Among them, approximately 79,000 individuals are at risk of reaching the catastrophic level of food insecurity, known as IPC Phase 5, United Nations Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) said in a statement.

This alarming situation is primarily affecting regions already grappling with the devastating impacts of climate-related shocks, economic crises, and conflict.

Over the past year, the crisis in Sudan has led to a significant influx of refugees into South Sudan.

According to OCHA, as of April 30, the number of arrivals reached a staggering 655,694, with an average of about 1,800 people crossing into South Sudan daily.

These individuals are seeking refuge from the ongoing turmoil in Sudan, including political unrest and economic instability.

OCHA said the intercommunal violence between conflicting communities in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State, has displaced an estimated 26,000 people.

This surge in violence has forced families to flee their homes, leaving behind their livelihoods and security.

It said the situation remains tense, with urgent efforts needed to restore peace and provide humanitarian assistance to the affected population.

OCHA further cited that the attack in Kauto payam, Kapoeta East County, Eastern Equatoria State by armed youth from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area has contributed to this crisis.

As a result, it said approximately 6,500 people have been displaced to mountainous areas, far from their homes.

These attacks have not only caused numerous deaths but have also led to the abduction of women and children, as well as the theft of valuable cattle.

It said the affected communities are in desperate need of protection, aid, and measures to restore their safety and well-being.

Adding to the ongoing challenges, an outbreak of conjunctivitis, commonly known as red eye disease, was declared in the border town of Nimule and Juba City in Central Equatoria State in April 22.

OCHA mentioned that the outbreak poses a significant health risk to the affected communities, requiring immediate medical attention and preventive measures to contain the spread of the disease.


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