National, News

Underperforming ministers must be punished-lawmaker

By Bida Elly David


A Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA) lawmaker has called for stricter accountability for cabinet ministers who fail to deliver on their promises.

Juol Nhomngek, an MP representing Lakes State at the R-TNLA from the SPLM-IO party, criticized ministers for presenting well-documented policies that never translate into action.

He accused them of failing to address the country’s economic woes.

“South Sudanese are suffering, but the government is silent,” Nhomngek said during a debate on an international labour convention report.

“We must ensure these ministers are disciplined, even the honourable members in this house,” he echoed.

Nhomngek argued that the citizens are the ones bearing the brunt of the economic crisis, not ministers or foreign workers.

“The country is its citizens, not just land,” the opposition lawmaker emphasized.

He urged the parliament speaker, Rt. Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba to take action against underperforming ministers, accusing them of misleading the country with “political mess.”

Nhomngek also raised concerns about foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and their impact on the economy.

He argued that their dominance and hard-currency salaries contributed to the weakening South Sudanese Pound.

James Hoth Mai, the minister of labor however defended the executive branch of government.

He said ministers are responsible for developing policies, but the responsibility for implementing those lies with everyone.

Mai emphasized the transitional nature of the government and the shared responsibility of all branches to achieve peace and stability.

The debate highlights the growing frustration among South Sudanese citizens over the country’s economic struggles.

MP Nhomngek’s call for accountability reflects a desire for better leadership and concrete action to address the nation’s challenges.



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