Lakes state, National, News

Over 300 cattle raided in Lakes State

By Yang Ater


Over 300 head of cattle have been stolen in a raid carried out by armed youth in Lakes State. According to the authorities, the attack targeted livestock in Cueibet County.

Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, provided details on the incident.

He confirmed that a total of 342 cows, including 280 adult cattle and 62 calves, were taken by the suspected raiders. The attack is believed to have been carried out by armed youth from the neighboring Tonj area of Warrap State.

He emphasized that the raiders crossed the state borders to conduct the attack on the grazing fields in the Apirhnom and Wong-kuot areas of Cueibet County.

The police spokesperson further noted that there were no human casualties reported during the raid.

However, the substantial loss of livestock is a major setback for the affected herders and their families, who rely on their cattle as a source of livelihood and sustenance.

Major Makuac used the opportunity to reiterate a call for the criminals responsible to be apprehended and brought to justice.

He urged the continued cooperation between the security forces of Lakes State and the neighboring Warrap State to address the cross-border criminal activities that have been disrupting the peace and stability of the region.

” I would want to repeatedly advise them to continue with the other part of Lakes State such that the criminals disturbing the security and peace along the border of these two sisterly States and apprehended to be brought to book for justice,” he added.

The Lakes State authorities have pledged to conduct a thorough investigation and pursue all necessary measures to recover the stolen cattle and hold the perpetrators accountable.


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