Lakes state, National, News

Teenage girl commits suicide after dispute with mother

By Yang Ater


Authorities in Lakes State have reported the tragic suicide of a 16-year-old girl in Cueibet County. According to the police, the incident occurred after the young girl got into a dispute with her mother over household chores.

Lakes State Police Spokesman, Major Elijah Mabor Makuac, confirmed the details of the incident.

He stated that the 16-year-old girl, whose name has not been released, took her own life by hanging at her home in the Buoi area under Malou-pech Payam of Cueibet County.

“According to the information we received the girl decided to commit suicide after she has been tortured by her own mother when she refused to cook at home, the young girl died by hanging herself to death,” he said.

He explained that the mother’s actions were part of disciplinary measures, which are considered normal within the Dinka cultural tradition.

The police spokesman added that an investigation is still ongoing to determine the exact circumstances leading to the young girl’s suicide.

However, the preliminary reports suggest that the dispute between the mother and daughter over domestic duties tragically escalated, resulting in the loss of a young life.

This incident has once again highlighted the need for greater awareness and understanding around mental health, as well as the importance of resolving family conflicts through open communication and non-violent means, rather than resorting to abuse.

The Lakes State authorities have pledged to conduct a thorough inquiry into the case and provide support to the affected family.

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