National, News

National Youth Convention underway in Juba

By Kidega Livingstone


The 3rd National Youth Union Convention of South Sudan kicked off yesterday in Juba, bringing together youth delegates from across the country to elect their new leadership.

The three-day convention, organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, is attended by state-level youth ministers, representatives from development partners such as Plan International and the South Sudanese Red Cross, as well as government officials.

The gathering aims to identify potential youth leaders and discuss issues of importance to South Sudan’s young population. Delegates have come from all the states, administrative areas, the diaspora, and people with disabilities.

In his remarks at the opening, Minister of Youth and Sports Dr. Joseph Geng Akech explained that youth play a crucial role in the nation’s future.

“As youth, you have the power of innovation, unity, peace, and prosperity, which are the future of any nation,” he told the assembled delegates.

The minister noted that the government has prepared youth-focused policies and programs, including a national youth policy and a sports development policy, to help empower young people and address the challenges they face.

“Our president and his government is ready to give you the opportunity to lead and drive the economic prosperity of this country,” Dr. Akech said, underscoring the administration’s commitment to supporting youth leadership and participation.

The convention is being held in collaboration with various UN agencies, including UNMISS, UNDP, UN Women, and UNESCO, as well as international NGOs like Save the Children and Plan International.



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