National, News

MPs adopt 148th Inter-Parliamentary Union resolutions

By Philip Buda Ladu


Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) has ratified the report of the South Sudan parliamentary delegation to the 148th Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly held in Geneva, Switzerland, after thorough deliberation.

The 148th IPU Assembly, convened between March 23 and 27, 2024, was attended by over 700 parliamentarians from over 140 countries, including South Sudan.

The TNLA delegation to the meeting of world parliaments was led by Dr. John Gai Yoh in the absence of the TNLA speaker, Jemma Nunu Kumba, and the speaker of the Council of States, Deng Deng Akoon, both of whom didn’t make it to Geneva due to unforeseen circumstances.

Hon. Gabriel Guot Guot presented the delegation’s report to the August House during Monday’s assembly sitting for MPs discussion and its subsequent adoption.

“Allow me, on behalf of the South Sudan parliamentary delegation to the 148th Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly, to present to you this report,” said Guot.

The report was compiled and presented to the TNLA in accordance with Regulation 39(1) of the TNLA Conduct of Business Regulation 2011 (amended, 2021), read together with Rule 39.2 of the rules of the IPU Assembly 1971 (as amended).

Parliamentarians at the 148th IPU Assembly, in their final declaration, reconfirmed their commitment to parliamentary diplomacy to support peace efforts and to reinvigorate multilateralism through parliamentary action.

At the Assembly, the IPU leadership issued an urgent political statement on behalf of the global parliamentary community calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to complement the UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire, adopted on March 25, 2024.

The IPU Assembly also made a resolution on the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapon systems and artificial intelligence.

The Assembly urges the parliaments to develop national legislation to establish regulatory frameworks governing the development of autonomous weapon systems.

The IPU Assembly made a resolution on Partnership for Climate Action: Promoting Access to Affordable Green Energy and Ensuring Innovation, Responsibility, and Equity. It highlights the importance of addressing environmental challenges through united climate action and partnership to safeguard the planet for present and future generations.

The IPU Assembly also endorsed a motion calling for reform of the United Nations Security Council to better reflect the geopolitical realities of the 21st century and make it more democratic and accountable.

The TNLA delegation recommends that the august House adopt the delegation report to ensure the implementation of the resolutions and decisions of the IPU Assembly.

“In accordance with the assembly regulations, I humbly urge the Hon. Members of the august House to deliberate and adopt this report.” Hon. Guot Guot submitted the report to parliament.


Justin Joseph Marona, an MP representing Maridi County Constituency in Western Equatoria State, welcomed and commended the delegation’s report.

Marona, however, expressed disappointment over the TNLA speaker’s absence in the IPU delegation, which robbed South Sudan of a voice at the high forum of speakers’ meetings.

“If a speaker did not make a remark in that high speaker forum, then how will the voice of the country be heard in that very important institution?” he asked.

He noted that if Speaker Nunu had participated in the speakers’ high forum, she should have made the voice of South Sudan heard at the IPU, especially on a very important issue like the raging Sudan war, which is badly affecting South Sudan.

“Supposedly, if the speaker were to be there in her note, she could also tell the IPU that in addition to the Gaza war, there is an issue in Sudan, which is our close-door, and also that the IPU needs to take note and it would have been in the resolution,” Marona stated.

“So if the speaker is not going and leading the delegation to the IPU, then it is better if nobody should go,” he added.

Ahmed Mohamed Musa, the acting government chief whip, stressed in his rejoinder the need for the speaker to proactively participate in future regional and global parliamentary summits.

“From now on, whenever there is an Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU), the speaker must lead that delegation so that we do not remain behind,” he emphasized.

Bol Joseph Agau, a lawmaker representing Yirol West County constituency in Lakes State, suggested that the IPU 148th Assembly resolutions should not have been adopted by the parliament because they’re huge and require money for implementation.

He challenged that if the government could not even implement its own projects in the country because of a lack of money, where would the country get the money to implement these resolutions?

“It was needless for the delegation to go for the IPU when you know very well the recommendations will not be implemented,” he criticized.

“Rt. Hon. Speaker, the country cannot afford to buy a strip of Paracetamol to put in the Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) in Nzara, Akobo, and Raja, and we are talking about climatic change that we want to contribute to! What are we contributing there when we can’t buy paracetamol? The IPU resolutions are too ambitious and huge for South Sudan,” Agau argued.

Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba said that they are members of the international community and all the international organizations, and they are obliged to contribute to regional and global issues.

She disregarded the argument that TNLA members should not participate in the IPU assembly but welcomed members’ amendments.

“These members are permanent members of the specialized committees. So they can still go and participate, and then they come and report to the house (TNLA), because if they didn’t go, we would not have known what transpired in that meeting,” Nunu clarified.

After a heated debate over the delegation report on the IPU 148th assembly resolutions, the parliament unanimously adopted the reports with its recommendations and amendments.

IPU is the highest political and global institution for parliaments all over the world, and almost every country in the world participates in its meetings.



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