National, News

Tong pledges SSP 6 million for Aweil students

By Hou Akot Hou


Governor of Northern Bahr El Gazal State, Ngor Tong Akeen, has pledged 6 million South Sudanese Pounds (SSP) to support Aweil students studying at the Upper Nile University.

The pledge came during a student fundraising ceremony held at the Nyakuron Cultural Center in Juba on Sunday. Aweil students organized the event to address the challenges they face which include a high dropout rate due to a lack of tuition fees.

Governor Tong attended the event after participating in an endorsement ceremony for President Salva Kiir held by the SPLM party at the Dr. John Garang Mausoleum on Saturday.

In response to the students’ concerns about a lack of funds to continue their studies, which has led to many dropping out, Governor Tong encouraged the students to embrace the opportunities presented by their education.

He assured them that his government would employ the graduates upon their successful completion of their studies.

He pledged 6 million South Sudanese Pounds to support the Aweil students studying at the Upper Nile University branch in Juba.

Mr. Ngor assured the students of his government’s commitment to addressing the pressing issues faced by their communities back home.

He revealed that the state government has planned to cultivate more than 1,000 hectares of land to combat hunger in Northern Bahr El Ghazal.

The governor also urged other young people stranded in Juba to return home and help their families with cultivation, as the rainy season had already begun.

He emphasized the importance of contributing to the eradication of poverty through agricultural activities.

It remains to be seen how the governor’s promise will be translated into tangible support for the students, and whether it will have a lasting impact on their educational pursuits.


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