National, News

Kiir shakes up Upper Nile State

By Charles K Mark


President Salva Kiir has made changes in the Upper Nile State, removing several officials including Speaker Chuol Dep Keir of the State Legislative Assembly.

The changes also affected three state members of parliament: Chol Keweth Anyang, Luol Deng Chol, and Simon Maluth.

Jacob Dollar Ruot Kecha has been appointed as the new Speaker of the Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly, along with three other members: Dhieu Ayong Dau, Ajak Bol Akol, and Sarah Deng Chan.

Additionally, several state ministers were relieved of their positions, including Jeremiah Deng Akol (Minister of Peace Building), Habsa Ajak Nyawela (Minister of Youth and Sports), Luk Sadallah Deng (Minister of Information and Communications), Mary William Adhil (Minister of Agriculture, Environment, and Forestry), and Emmanuel Nyok Kaman (Minister of Labor, Public Services, and Human Resources Development).

New appointments were made for these positions: James Monyluak Majok (Minister of Peace Building), Paulino Onyaw Mayiik (Minister of Youth and Sports), James Basha Tewa (Minister of Information and Communications), Yadjwok Edward Ador (Minister of Agriculture, Environment, and Forestry), and Ding Deng Lueth (Minister of Labor, Public Services, and Human Resources Development).


Changes in County Commissioners

Changes were also made in County Commissioners, with new appointments for Fashoda County, Renk County, Melut County, and Akoka County.

Joseph Aban Odong of Fashoda County was replaced by Yanyo Oluak Ajang while Kak Padiet Kak of Renk County got replaced by Akoch Jol Achiek.

Barach Chol Lual Aginy of Melut County was shown the exit while Chok Zain Arop was shown the entry to Melut County

In Akoka County, James Majok Chol was fired and the president instead hired Gew Chol Yash as commissioner.

Joseph Deng Angou from Baliet County was removed and replaced by Marting Monykuer Monyjok.


Independent commissions

Furthermore, independent commissions saw changes as well.

The President replaced the chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, Paul Kur, with Peter Ngwojo Akwiny. Additionally, the Deputy Chairperson of the Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Commission, Elijah Riak Chol, was replaced by Moses Achuil Guek.


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