National, News

Lawmakers adopt anti-raiding resolutions

By Philip Buda Ladu


Lawmakers in the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) have adopted several resolutions in response to an urgent motion regarding cattle-related atrocities in an effort to address the issue.

Key among the resolutions the MPs recommended in their deliberations was the introduction of community policing, especially in the cattle-keeping communities, to help curb the recurring heinous cattle theft and child abduction.

Hon. Angelo Lokinga Lotabo, representing Eastern Equatoria State, tabled an urgent motion concerning a security incident that happened last month in Kauto Payam of Kapoeta East, Eastern Equatoria State.

He raised serious concerns about the atrocities of cattle raiding and child abduction reportedly committed by armed Murle criminal youth, mainly against communities in greater Kapoeta.

Recorded incidents

In May 2022, Criminals from Pibor allegedly raided Kauto Payam, claimed the lives of innocent civilians, and made away with thousands of animals.

On July 26, 2022, a combined force of allegedly Murle, Tenet, and Buya armed criminals raided Ikotos Kapoeta North County, in which 7,000 heads of cattle were taken, 13 Toposa killed, and 14 wounded.

Meanwhile, in a gesture of peace, wounded attackers were given first aid treatment in Budi County by local authorities in Eastern Equatoria and safely repatriated back to Pibor by UNMISS.

On April 23, 2024, another horrific attack by armed criminals from Pibor was carried out against the people of Kauto Payam in Kapoeta East County. In this attack, 32 people were confirmed killed, according to reports; more than 26 were wounded, and 90 women and children were abducted.

It was further confirmed that over 16,877 heads of cattle and 8,053 goats and sheep were raided.

Presenting his motion to the parliament on Wednesday, Lokinga acknowledged that efforts to address and stop the Murle armed youth threats were carried out in the recent past.

But he sadly echoed that the efforts from both Eastern Equatoria State and greater Pibor regional local governments were watered down by the Murle youth, who went back to their criminal acts.


The motion mover concluded his presentation with some recommendations for the house to deliberate and adopt as a resolution for further action by the government.

Mr. Lokinga noted that the recurring attacks, killings, and abductions by the Murle criminals are now threatening peaceful co-existence with the Toposa of the greater Kapoeta region.

He therefore called upon the august house to urgently deliberate and adopt the following recommendations stated below.

First, condemn the barbaric attack against the people of Kauto Payam by the criminal Murle youth.

Secondly, Parliament should invoke Article 57(b) of the transitional constitution of South Sudan 2011 as amended to adopt a resolution to direct the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense to send a combined force of police and military to go and recover the raided animals and abducted women and children.

Thirdly, urge the executive arm of government to produce a bill dealing with cattle raiding and child abduction to establish a mechanism for addressing this widespread of cattle raids that are rampant across the country and criminalizing and making them punishable by law.

Furthermore, all MPs from cattle keepers and affected communities should establish a solidarity and friendly parliamentary group with the objective of studying and sharing some ideas on how best to manage and control cattle as natural resources.

After a thorough deliberation on the motion by MPs, prescribing several solutions the assembly adopted the report with all its recommendations and amendments.

Oliver Mori Benjamin, the spokesman of the assembly, in his briefing to the media shortly after the sitting further affirmed the adoption of the report on the urgent motion of public concern.

“The parliament resolved the following: one, the return of the abducted children and the raided cattle. There is also a need to set up community policing in the areas so that they can trace these raiders in their various locations and parliament condemn the atrocities.” Mori highlighted the key resolutions.

He further noted the recommendation on the need for a conference for the cattle-keeping communities across the country so that they can address the root causes of why young people are interested in cattle-raiding activities.

“The parliament resolved that the recommendation and resolutions presented in the motion, plus the additions from the honourable members, be forwarded to the executive arm of government for immediate implementation,” he concluded.




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