Lakes state, National, News

Gov’t, partners discuss water crisis

By Yang Ater


Lakes State government has called on development partners to address critical water shortages in the region.

This appeal was made during a coordination review meeting organized by the Ministry of Land, Housing and Public Utilities, in collaboration with the Center for Emergency Development Support (CEDS).

The meeting aimed to discuss the implementation of 2024 water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects and plans for the year in Lakes State.

Community leaders and government officials urged development partners to support hygiene and sanitation programs in the area.

Bub Achiek, the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) Chairperson in Lakes State, said the meeting allowed them to review the achievements and challenges of WASH programs in the region.

He noted that some areas like Rumbek North, Wulu, and Yirol West had a concentration of services, while other areas were underserved.

“The policy of the government is to distribute services equitably to the community,” Achiek said. “I’m calling on partners to reach out to more remote areas to ensure fair distribution of services.”

Abraham Aleu, the head of CEDS’s field office in Lakes State, acknowledged the challenges they faced, such as insecurity in Rumbek North and the difficulty of reaching remote areas.

He said they would work closely with the government to address these issues and improve service delivery.

Barnaba Makuac Magol, the Director of Water and Sanitation in Lakes State, stressed the need for community ownership of water sources, such as boreholes.

He urged the government and partners to fill the remaining gaps in water access, particularly in remote and populated areas.

Magol also highlighted the need to prepare for the looming flood season, saying they would work with partners to ensure safe, clean water for communities that may be affected.

For her part, Mariam Paul Jebi, chairperson of the specialized committee of housing, land, and housing and public utilities in Lakes State highlighted the challenges faced by the community, such as the sustainability of boreholes in counties and the gap in service distribution.

Jebi urged communities to take care of their boreholes and own them, as well as address the lack of access to services in certain areas.

She also highlighted the need for partners to collaborate with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land, and Public Utility to share priority and identify areas that are not reachable and still have water shortages.

She suggested that partners should work together as a team to share information, prioritize areas, and give priority to those in need.

Jebi also discussed the issue of gaps in construction of latrines in health facilities and schools in Lakes State.

She agreed that Wash partners should collaborate with the relevant ministry to share priorities and prioritize necessary areas.

In the future, a steering committee should be established under the governor’s leadership to supervise service delivery in the state.

Jebi emphasized the importance of equality, unification, and service delivery equally to all communities, as all need services.

The quarterly review meeting was an opportunity for the government and development partners to collaborate and find solutions to the water scarcity challenges facing Lakes State.

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