National, News

Jonglei clarifies on shooting at Chagor’s residence

By William Madouk


Disgruntled bodyguards to the former governor of Jonglei state, Denay Jock Chagor, rocked gunfire on Friday evening and raided armory.  

According to the state information Minister, Nyamar Lony Thickot, the group forcibly entered the armory at Chogar’s residence and parted with several firearms.

The incident occurred just two days after Chagor was relieved from office.

“Two days after the relieve of the former governor, the commander of governor’s guards collected all artillery, equipment and firearms and reserved them in armory,” Nyamar said.

“However, yesterday evening (Friday), a few guards forced their way into the armory and managed to obtain some weapons and left the premises while shooting on air in order not to be followed,” she added.

But no casualties were recorded during the shooting, according to the state minister of information.

“The state leadership immediately took action and communicated with the guards who took weapons urging them to return them [weapons] to armory,” she continued.

Nyamar assured the public the situation is calm and peaceful as such they shouldn’t panic.

“Finally, the state government would like to take this opportunity to assure the public that the situation is calm and peaceful,”

Meanwhile, the chairperson of the Jonglei Civil Society Network, Bol Deng condiments the security forces of the former governor for reckless shooting.

“I strongly condemn the security forces of the former governor of Jonglei state, Denay Jock Chagor, for breaking into the armory at the governor’s residences yesterday and shooting aimlessly before fleeing Bor town,” he said.

Activist hinted that the incident is an act of aggression which the 2018 peace deal is trying to discourage.

“I am urging [former] governor Denay to dissuade his forces from this violent path,” he advised.


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