National, News

Shun corruption, work for the nation-Cleric

By Bida Elly David


Bishop Yohana Benjamin of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan has called on political leaders to shun corruption and work for the greater good of the nation.

The cleric made the remark during a homily, at thanksgiving ceremony for university graduates in Juba, over the weekend.

He stressed that South Sudan’s current challenges stem from people not aligning their actions with God’s will.

“It is God who has placed you in positions of leadership. If you are a general, it is through God’s will that you are there,” Bishop Yohana proclaimed.

He warned that every act of corruption and selfishness by leaders is being watched by the Almighty.

The bishop noted that South Sudan is richly endowed with God-given resources meant to benefit all citizens. However, he lamented the prevalence of division, discrimination, and the failure to make proper use of these resources.

Quoting the biblical story of Job, Bishop Yohana underscored the importance of remaining faithful to God, even in the face of adversity.

He cautioned leaders against being consumed by power struggles over resources, saying they will one day be held accountable by God.

“You need to know that God will one day question you of your deeds, we know that the current positions you are currently holding have a lot of problems but at the end of the day our God will hold you accountable in South Sudan,” he said.

The cleric also criticized leaders who neglect to thank God for the gift of life and the positions they hold.

He called on leaders to prioritize service to the people over personal gain, stressing that this would be a true blessing.

In response, Daniel Awet Akot, the second deputy chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), acknowledged the lack of accountability as a key factor hindering South Sudan’s development.

“If there is accountability, South Sudan would have been a developed nation, people divide themselves based on tribal lines where other communities do not want others to cross their boundaries,” he said.

He agreed with the bishop’s challenge, noting that it is the responsibility of both leaders and citizens to work towards national unity and progress.

Awet revealed the troubling prevalence of tribal divisions and the use of traditional charms to harm other communities.

He emphasized the crucial role of the church in addressing these issues and promoting unity among all South Sudanese.

“Leaders want to develop the whole South Sudan but they have been threatened based on tribal lines, other communities kill other communities using charms just because they do not need intervention to their land, the church has a role to change this habit,” he noted.












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