National, News

Inter-communal clashes threaten peace-RJMEC warns

By William Madouk


Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (R-JMEC) is concerned over the widespread intercommunal violence in the country.

Major General Charles Tai Gituai RJMEC’s Interim Chairperson stated that the violence is a major threat to the country’s peace and security.

Gituai acknowledged that there has been relative peace for the past five and a half years since the signing of the 2018 peace deal but noted that intercommunal clashes in various parts of the country remain a significant challenge.

“It is important to note that intercommunal violence is one of the major threats to peace and security in South Sudan,” he said during his opening remarks at a three-day workshop on security sector reform and transitional justice.

The RJMEC chair emphasized the critical role that transitional justice can play in stabilizing the security situation in the country, suggesting that traditional peace-building mechanisms and justice systems could be applied.

“Therefore, the Strategic Defense and Security Review Board (SDSR) should consider transitional justice as an essential element for the enhancement of defense and security in this young nation of South Sudan,” he added.

As elections draw near, Gituai urged the SDSR and peace partners to expedite the development of a policy framework on security and transitional justice and submit it to the parliament for approval and adoption.

“I urge the Board and the R-ARCSS to move with haste and complete the review of the policy framework and submit it to the Transitional National Legislative Assembly for approval and adoption,” he said.

Gituai also called on the SDSR and parties to the 2018 peace deal to remain steadfast in their mandate and adhere to the full implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement in the remaining six months.

“I urge the Board and the R-JMEC to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of South Sudan in their quest for sustainable peace,” he concluded.


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