National, News

Lakes State commences training of administrators

By Yang Ater Yang


Ministry of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency in Lakes State, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has launched a three-month training program for local government administrators.

The training aims to strengthen the capacity of local government administration in service delivery.

Kaman Makuenyar, the chairperson of the specialized committee on local government, peace, and security in the Lakes State Transitional Assembly, expressed his appreciation for the initiative.

“I want to start by thanking the Ministry and the Government of Lakes State for initiating this important training, and I also want to recognize the longstanding support from UNDP,” he said.

Makuenyar stressed the importance of the opportunity for the participants and encouraged them to make the most of it.

“This kind of training and these opportunities are very limited, and if any of you have been selected, you must take it seriously and learn from it,” he said.

“We, the politicians, are the policymakers, but you are the ones who will implement them. I believe this training will change the image of our governance and the rule of law in the counties and local administration.”

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative, Dominic Sam stated that, “This is a key intervention of our mission to foster sustainable development, peace, and prosperity across the community.”

He acknowledged the government’s dedication to empowering local government structures and the efforts of UNDP partners in supporting the program.

Sam explained that the training is designed to equip the local government administrators with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to perform their duties effectively and efficiently.

Over the next three months, the participants will engage in comprehensive training models covering areas such as public administration, financial management, conflict resolution, and community engagement.

The Minister of Local Government, Chol Kuotwel Manhom, said, “This is the best thing that has happened to us in Lakes State as a government and as a people.”

He acknowledged the complex environment in which the administrators operate and the need for capacity building to address the various challenges they face.

Manhom expressed gratitude for the UNDP’s support and assured that the state government would provide the necessary accommodations and ensure a conducive environment for the training.

The minister warned the participants not to take the training lightly, as their performance during the training would be used as a yardstick for future assignments, promotions, and evaluations.

He urged the administrators to concentrate, commit themselves, and refrain from any non-compliance, as their actions would have direct consequences on their roles in the counties.


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