National, News

VP Nyandeng’s Persons with disability director, under arrest

By William Madouk


Director of Department for Persons with Disabilities in the office of Vice President Rebecca Nyandeng, Dr. Stephen Dheiu, has been arrested.

Executive director in VP Nyandeng’s office, David Dau Achouth confirmed that Mr. Dhieu was arrested for selling a government vehicle.

According to the VP’s office, Mr. Dheu, is currently being held at Northern Division Police Station.

“Since the formation of the transitional government, we never received vehicles for the senior staff in the presidency. So, in my capacity as executive director I did my best to get two cars from UN partners,” Dau stated.

He clarified that all senior staff including Dhieu used these two cars as a means of mobility.

“Four weeks ago, Stephen lied to the deputy executive director that he needed a car to Mangala to visit some people, and they gave him a car. I was out of the country, but instead Stephen had a plan he went and sold out without telling anybody,” Dau added.

“I formed a committee and the same day; Stephen sent an email confessing that he had taken the care and he sold it [out]and we said why don’t you come tell us why do sell a government care? He refused to talk to us,” he continued.

Mr. Dau said he refused to disclose the car’s whereabouts.

He disputed Dhieu’s claim that VP Nyandeng arrested him for his strong support to President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his party, the SPLM.

“That is a lie, SPLM is tattooed in the heart of Mama Rebecca and nobody can claim otherwise and President Kiir and Mama Rebecca are working together,” he said.

“I don’t know what point he is trying to make but he [Stephen] is trying to throw mud at the wall with thinking that something will stick to the wall, but it doesn’t make any sense. He committed a crime, he stole the car.”

However, Dheiu, who is visually impaired claimed that his arrest was orchestrated by Vice President Nyandeng due to his “strong support” for President Salva Kiir Mayardit and the ruling SPLM party.

“[Complainant] is Her Excellency Mama Rebecca Nyandeng, [because] I have been a little bit vocal in supporting President Kiir and his campaign and it happened that people in the office don’t like it,” Dheu said in an interview with this outlet from the police station.

Dheiu claimed that he has been detained for two days without any formal interrogation or investigation.

“I am not being told reasons for my arrest, I am not even investigated or anything up to now and I spent more than 24 hours – I have two days in detention,” he said.

“I think [the police] are not doing their work as expected, I am a victim today and another person will be a victim of this, there must be reform and change in the police services,” Dheiu added.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson of Police, Maj. Gen. Daniel Justin said they are not aware on Dr. Dhieu’s arrest because his name has not yet seen in the police reports.

“No, because if he is [arrested] today then we will get it in the evening report, he is not there in the report,” Justin said while promising to cross-check with the Northern Division authorities.

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