National, News

Gov’t asks for Climate Change adaptation project funding

By Kidega Livingstone


In the face of an impending flooding crisis, the government of South Sudan has called on the Global Fund and GAVI (the Vaccine Alliance) to increase funding for climate change adaptation measures.

This request comes after Uganda issued a serious alert to South Sudan; warning of imminent flash floods due to plans to release water downstream from Lake Victoria. The states most likely to be affected are Lakes, Upper Nile, Unity, and Warrap.

During a meeting with officials from the Global Fund and GAVI, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Ader Macar Aciek, emphasized the urgent need for preparedness, particularly in the prevention of diseases such as malaria and other tropical illnesses that often accompany flooding.

“We received a very serious warning from our neighboring country, Uganda, that there will be flooding this year that will cause much displacement in South Sudan, so we are calling upon you [the Global Fund and GAVI] to join hands with us by funding climate change,” Aciek said.

He also expressed gratitude for the ongoing assistance from the Global Fund and GAVI in terms of vaccinations, stating that their collaboration is crucial in the fight against the spread of diseases in the country.

Harley Feldbaum, Head of Strategy and Policy for the Global Fund, acknowledged the government’s request and stated that they are committed to working with South Sudan in a coordinated and collaborative manner, particularly in malaria prevention programs that are often exacerbated by flooding.

“We are going to support such policies as funding climate change so that we jointly engage ourselves and our commitments in the achievement of the activities,” Feldbaum said.

Amy Latrielle, the Director for Fragile and Conflict for GAVI, also highlighted the urgent need to strengthen national awareness on the prevention of diseases, especially malaria, which often claims the lives of many children during flood events.

The Global Fund and GAVI are currently on a five-day joint mission in the country, meeting with government officials and health-related development partners to discuss the strategic plan and funding for various activities aimed at preventing and treating tropical diseases and other viruses in the country.

The Global Fund invests more than US$5 billion a year to defeat HIV, TB, and malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, and more equitable future for all.

Meanwhile, according to GAVI, as part of its mission to save lives and protect people ‘s health by increasing the equitable and sustainable use of vaccines, it has helped vaccinate more than one billion children in 78 lower-income countries, preventing more than 17.3 million future deaths.


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