National, News

Finance Minister promises salary pay

By Kidega Livingstone


Minister of Finance and Planning, Awow Daniel Chuang, has promised to release the salaries in the coming days.

This announcement came after Members of Parliament summoned the Minister to answer questions regarding the eight-month delay in civil servant salaries.

“On the issue of whether in the next few days, we are going to pay the salary, first wait and see, and it’ll be very soon,” Chuang stated during the parliamentary session.

He acknowledged that the current economic situation is not easy but assured that the government is working to manage the challenges.

The Minister, however, did not specify whether the eight months of accrued salaries would be paid in full or in installment.

Mori Benjamin, the Spokesperson of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly and Head of the Specialized Committee of Information noted that the exact timeline for the salary payments was not clearly defined.

“The Minister of Finance said in the coming days salary will be released, and soon though he said the situation is difficult,” Mori said.

The Speaker of the parliament, Rt. Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba, urged the members of parliament to trust the Minister’s word, stating, “He said it’s soon, and it’s soon of soon. What do you want again?”

This latest development comes amid growing pressure from civil servants and the public, who have been vocal about the significant delays in wage payments.

Last week, Lecturers of Rumbek University of Science and Technology threatened to go on strike if their seven months’ salary arrears were not paid.

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