National, News, Northern Bahr el-ghazal

Over 9,600 teachers write assessment test

By William Madouk


Northern Bahr El Ghazal State Ministry of General Education & Instruction has subjected about 9,635 primary eight teachers to an assessment test and competency.

Addressing the media, the acting Director General for Education in Aweil, Ustaz Peter Deng Deng said the screening examination commenced across the five counties of Aweil state.

“Today, across Northern Bahr El Ghazal state we are commencing the assessment test for all primary teachers in all the schools in NBGs,” said Deng.

“The total number of teachers who are sitting for this assessment test is 9,635 teachers [including female teachers],” he added.

Mr. Deng, who is spoke in one of the centres during the launching in Aweil West County the assessment paper was prepared and would be invigilated by the University of Rumbek for Science & Technology.

“All teachers have come, and they have shown their commitment and readiness because the turnout is good and they like the assessment test,” he noted.

To him, the purpose of screening was to identify tutors who need further training, adding that no single teacher would be dismissed or have their name remove from salary pay slips.

“We are doing it so that we know the level of all the teachers so that we plan and make the right decision so that they are taken for training,”

“The overall objective is to identify the level of teacher, for instance, how many teachers need their capacity to be raised,”

Besides, the commissioner of Aweil West County, Peter Garang Maduok stated that Nyamlel has three centres where over thousands of teachers would be writing their exams.

“So, we want to thank hon. Minister of General Education [Awut Deng] for this initiative she has already made for the South Sudan teacher to see exactly and confirm the teacher that would teach our children,” said Maduok

“The priority in all the countries is only education because when you have strong education future and then the nation will become a better nation,” he noted.

From his part, his counterpart from Aweil North County, Kiir Chan Wol said his county has six centres for approximately two thousand primary teachers.

“For teachers who will not pass the exams, we are not going to abandon them, but they will be taken for training at the Teachers Training Institute (TTI) so that they become competent teachers,” said Wol.

“We need capable teachers so that they impart education to our sons and daughters in our state and Aweil North County in particular,” he added.

He lauded the Rumbek varsity management for preparing and putting all vital security measures to ensure that papers reach teachers in Northern Bahr El Ghazal state.



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