Lakes state, News

Eid-Al-Adha celebrations peaceful-Police

By Bida Elly David


Police have reported zero security incidents with only minor accidents across the country during the recent Eid-Al-Adha celebrations.

In an interview with No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper on Wednesday, National Police Spokesperson, Maj. Gen. Daniel Justin stated that while there were concerns about potential threats from city gangs (Niggers), their activities were effectively minimized due to the strong police presence in residential areas.

“People celebrated well in Juba and in the States. We were worried about the gang groups, but their activities were very narrowed down because our presence in residential areas and all these have helped minimize crime,” Gen. Justin said.

The police spokesperson noted that the security threats during the festive season had prompted the authorities to launch a tactical operation against the gangs.

He expressed concern that while the activities of the gang groups seemed to have subsided, further action would be taken to completely eliminate them.

“Some are still under investigation and others, over 250, are cases before the court. What we need to tell the public is that, now the situation is normal. Even their activities are very narrow,” he said.

Maj. Gen. Justin commended the citizens for their cooperation with the authorities during the Eid-Al-Adha celebrations, stating that the peaceful atmosphere was a direct result of such collaboration.

“The peace during the Eid-Al-Adha was actually a result of our citizens cooperating with the police across the country, we need this spirit to continue because with this we will be able to see security progress to our people,” he emphasized.

The police spokesperson also acknowledged that there were minor accidents involving motorists, particularly boda-boda riders, around Juba, but he did not provide the specific statistics, promising to release the information at a later time.

“No, no, I don’t have it right now but it was minimal, we shall release it out once piled within a due course of time,’’ he added.

Maj. Gen. Justin urged citizens, particularly parents, to be vigilant in monitoring the actions of their children, as they represent the future leaders of the country.

He stressed the importance of continued cooperation between the public and the police to ensure the country’s security and stability.


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