Central Equatoria State, National, News

Land Disputes a major cause of Insecurity, says CES Speaker

By Kei Emmanuel Duku


Speaker of Central Equatorial State Transitional Legislative Assembly attributes the rampant insecurity in the state to cases of land grabbing.

Rt. Hon. Peter Wani Elia Kulang said that the issue consequently hinders the state from attain peace.

“Land issues have become a major challenge in CES because almost all people across the ten states and the three administrative areas are housed in Juba and the demand for land is high,” he said

Hon. Wani made the remarks on Wednesday while opening a four-days workshop on conflict resolution, peace building and good governance, organized for lawmakers in CES.

He noted that the state, being the host of the capital city, use of fraudulent methods of land acquisition has become rampant.

“However, the procedures of acquiring land legally are not followed, had it to be followed, there would be no problems with anyone settling in the city,” the speaker added.

According to Wani, some people choose the wrong way to acquire land which contributes to conflict.

“That’s where the problems come from,” said commented.

Hon. Wani further added the ever-growing population in the city coupled with high demand for commercial land, is another diver of conflict in Juba and other counties.

He however urged the citizens to avoid conflict and use the legal means of acquiring land.

“The state is not against giving land to any South Sudanese but we want a right way that does not cause conflict among our citizens, though many thought land is just for settlement” the speaker advised.

He said there are other people who take land for business purposes and this is the major problem especially in Juba.

“But if there are issues let people sit and dialogue and as lawmakers, we want our citizens to embrace dialoguing” he added.



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