National, News

National budget delay irks activist

By Kei Emmanuel Duku


A leading South Sudanese activist has expressed concern over the delayed presentation of the national budget by the Minister of Finance and Planning.

Chief Executive Director of Integrity South Sudan, Luate Satimon Joel points that 2023/2024 fiscal year is left with only nine days yet tabling of 2024/2025 FY budget before the parliament has not been done.

He likens the Finance Minister’s delay on the budget to breach of Section 25 (6) of the Public Finance Management and Accountability Act 2011.

“The new financial year is about to begin, and the country finds itself in a critical situation,” Luate stated in a press release.

It is a matter of concern that the FY 2024/25 budget has not yet been presented. This delay sets us apart from our neighbours, he stressed.

The 2011 Act mandates the Minister of Finance and Planning to submit the national budget to the National Assembly and Council of States for scrutiny by May 15th of each year.

Once submitted, the budget becomes the FY 2024/25 Budget Plan, Appropriation and Financial Bill.

The Speaker of Parliament then refers it to the House Committee on Finance and Economic Planning for review to make necessary adjustments and recommendations before reporting back to parliament for deliberation.

Luate emphasized the importance of timely budget submission for maintaining the country’s economic stability and governance systems. He called for parliamentarians to be given ample time to debate the nation’s priorities.

The activist further argued that delaying the budget hinders the government’s ability to deliver essential social services to communities.

“MPs need sufficient time to scrutinize and make recommendations,” the statement added. “This delay hampers the government’s ability to deliver services and implement development projects.”

The activist calls on the Minister of Finance and Planning to expedite the process and adhere to the legal system.

He stressed the importance of transparency, accountability, and effective management of the country’s resources as stipulated in the 2011 Finance Act.

“We remain vigilant in the budget monitoring process and will continue to advocate for the relevant laws to ensure that the financial governance of this country is conducted in the best interest of its citizens,” Luate stated.

Meanwhile, efforts by No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper to reach national Ministry of Finance and economic planning and also the national Parliament for comments on the matter, were not successful.

However, the two institutions will have the opportunity to inform the citizens on the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year budget, in due time.


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