Central Equatoria State, National, News

Yei Commissioner urges citizens to embark on agriculture

By James Innocent


In the face of a growing population of returnees and internally displaced persons in Yei, the county commissioner has issued a strong call for citizens to embrace agriculture as a means of ensuring food security in the region.

Over the past year, Yei has seen an influx of people returning home, putting a strain on the limited resources.

The economic crisis, marked by a sharp increase in the value of the US dollar against the South Sudanese pound, has also led to a surge in food prices across the country.

In response, many residents of Yei have already planted vegetables and cereals during the first rainy season, which lasts until May.

Addressing the community, Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa, the Yei River County commissioner, urged all citizens living in the area to engage in agricultural activities, both individually and through cooperative societies.

He highlighted that the county already has a few tractors available to support the farming efforts.

“I am calling upon everyone living in Yei to embrace agricultural production, both as individuals and in cooperative groups,” Kanyikwa said.

“We have a few tractors in the county, and I advise our citizens to also plant more fruit trees, which can help reduce the rate of hunger.”

The commissioner also appealed to the citizens to use the land appropriately by practicing agriculture, rather than selling it off indiscriminately.

He also formed land committees, which included local chiefs, to discuss and resolve land-use issues within the community.

Meanwhile, Peter Lasuba, a resident of Mugwo County, called on the government to provide increased security for the returning citizens.

He noted that many people are coming back from refugee settlements in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, following the 2016 conflicts that forced thousands to flee the country.

Lasuba emphasized the need for more support for farmers to boost the agricultural sector and the overall economy, despite the current challenges.

He believes that if all citizens are allowed to cultivate in Yei, it will help prevent widespread hunger in the region.

“I also advise our citizens to properly tie up their animals to ensure they don’t damage the crops,” Lasuba added, underscoring the importance of responsible livestock management.


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