National, News

No exemptions for certification, quality mark-MP

By Kei Emmanuel Duku


There will be no exemptions for certification and quality mark scheme, according to Mayen Deng Alier, Chairperson of the Committee on Trade and Industry in the Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA).

Speaking at the launch of the initiative in Juba, Mr. Deng emphasized the importance of the program for both small and large-scale industries, stating it would elevate production standards to meet consumer demands and allow South Sudanese goods to compete in the global market.

“The quality of our products shouldn’t be compromised,” Deng warned.

“There may be some businessmen, ministers, or senior government officials who will seek exemptions based on connections. However, quality cannot be exempted. We need all traders to adhere to the standards and avoid shortcuts by following all production stages.”

Deng acknowledged past challenges faced by South Sudanese traders in acquiring quality certifications, often leading them to seek certification from other countries.

This practice, he explained, hinders tracking of the country’s export volume. He cited the recent incident of fish exports to East African countries that were impounded due to certification issues.

“Currently, some of our products are given value addition by our neighbours and then exported as theirs,” Deng said.

“They get the credit, while we have the best fish in the world. This initiative ensures anything produced in South Sudan will be recognized as South Sudanese. We will no longer allow others to take credit for our products.”

The South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS) was established under the National Bureau of Standards and Weight and Measures Act 2012 to protect the nation, traders, and strengthen the economy.

It promotes national, regional, and international standards and quality assurance practices.

SSNBS Executive Director Gloria Nyoka Joseph Laus highlighted the program’s role in safeguarding public health by preventing the circulation of counterfeit products like building supplies, food items, children’s toys, and medical supplies.

She elaborated on South Sudan’s goals to promote trade and industry, particularly by capitalizing on opportunities created by the East and Central African Free Trade Area (ECAFTA), where the country holds observer status.

Additionally, South Sudan is working towards membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to comply with international best practices in standards and technical regulations.

Nyoka assured traders of a grace period to certify their products or withdraw uncertified commodities.

The SSNBS will ensure all imported products meet the standards and provide a timeframe for existing quality mark logos to be replaced with the new ones.

Meanwhile, Minister of Trade and Industry Hon. Ambassador Joseph Moum Majak pledged the government’s collaboration with neighbouring countries to minimize trade conflicts arising from certification and quality mark discrepancies.

He urged traders to comply with the standards and work closely with the SSNBS.

The government, he added, plans to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the country.

“We look forward to working with Uganda to address trade barriers and enhance regional cooperation,” Moum said.

“The government will provide the necessary environment for trade to flourish locally and internationally. However, I urge the SSNBS to ensure companies meet quality requirements in terms of adherence.”


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