National, News

Mysterious disease kills 75 cattle in Awerial County

By Yang Ater Yang


Cattle keepers in Awerial County are facing a devastating outbreak of an unknown disease that has killed approximately 75 cattle in the past three weeks.

The disease has caused alarming symptoms, including severe wounds on the hooves, body swelling, and rapid decline, leading to death within hours.

Aguto Riak, a cattle keeper, reported that 30 cows died in the Ataak and Lawoi cattle camps just two weeks ago.

Another cattle keeper, Abor Wal, from the Ruop cattle camp, stated that 25 cows died just this week, with more falling ill.

“This disease has become very serious. At least 3 cows from each person have died, and we are deeply concerned that more may perish if no help arrives soon,” Wal said.

The cattle keepers have called on the local department of livestock and NGO partners to urgently assess the situation and provide treatment to prevent further losses.

James Chuti Riak, the director for livestock and fisheries in Awerial, acknowledged the severity of the situation and promised to visit the affected cattle camps next week to assess the disease and report it to the state ministry.

However, he criticized the cattle camp leaders for not reporting the outbreak earlier, which may have contributed to the high death toll.

The sudden and unexplained nature of the disease outbreak has left the cattle keepers in Awerial County in a state of distress and uncertainty.

They are pleading for immediate intervention from the authorities to identify the cause, provide treatment, and prevent further devastation to their livestock, which is the backbone of their livelihoods.



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