National, News

BEWARE: Gov’t condemns foreign embassies’ meddling

By Deng Ghai Deng


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has issued a stern rebuke to several foreign diplomatic missions within the country in what it describes as undue interference in the country’s internal affairs.

In a strongly worded press statement released Friday, the Ministry expressed its dismay over recent social media posts and public statements made by missions from Canada, European countries, and the United States.

According to the Ministry’s statement, these embassies, including those of Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have allegedly made public pronouncements that touch on sensitive national issues including the recent National Security Bill passed by the parliament, without prior consultation through established diplomatic channels.

Ambassador Wol Mayar Ariec, the director of Media and spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation told reporters in Juba that the Ministry views the action of foreign missions as a direct challenge to South Sudan’s sovereignty and an attempt to influence domestic decision-making processes.

“It is with great regret that the aforementioned missions opted to act contrary to these known friendly diplomatic norms and decided to grossly interfere with issues of national concern,” the statement read.

Ariec said that the actions of the foreign missions not only undermine the government but also pose a threat to national security.

Even if South Sudan is yet to rectify The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), ambassador Ariec cited Article 41 (1&2) of the convention which outlines the obligations of diplomatic missions to respect the laws and regulations of the host country and refrain from interfering in its internal affairs.

“We strongly protest and condemn such unacceptable behavior,” the Ministry declared, urging all missions and international organizations to adhere strictly to diplomatic norms and refrain from issuing further statements that could strain relations.

The Ministry reaffirmed its willingness to engage constructively with all accredited embassies and international bodies but emphasized the need for mutual respect and adherence to established diplomatic protocols.

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