OpEd, Politics

Can Samuel Kot Mading step aside for James Woja Igele?

Hats off to President Joe Biden! One of the most annoying things on earth is to win a competitive marriage, but you produce only one child and become infertile. You and your dear wife are still brand new spouses, but one of the rights that forces a woman to divorce, no matter how rich you are, is being compromised. That right is called conjugal right.

If you give your wife to one of your cousins for inheritance, you feel like you may regain your fertility anytime, and retrieving your wife may be difficult later. But if you keep your wife, you fear her filing a divorce case. What a dilemma! Some infertile men do not give their wives for inheritance at all, but some infertile men do. Among such infertile men who give their wives for inheritance, President Joe Biden is one. He deserves my respect.

Just like Joe Biden has stepped aside and nominated Kamala Harris to finish the race for the US presidency, can Samuel Kot Mading dare step aside and allow James Woja Igele to run for presidency? It does not mean that Joe Biden has become too weak to rerun for the presidency. He may win, though his chance of winning looks slimmer. But it means the Democrats as a party wants a landslide victory, which it sees will be brought by Kamala Harris. Yes, a win is a win, though slim or huge. But there is a win that puts the party on the brink of a loss in the next elections. Democrats do not need such a win, they need a landslide win.

Back to the issue of Samuel Kot Mading and James Woja Igele, it is not a crime to admit your weakness and allow someone you see is competent enough to put the image of the party on the front page. Samuel Kot Mading is too weak to make informed decisions, making him unfit for a rerun, but he has forced people to endorse him. In his heart, it is from the position of the VIP cemetery! He is not stepping aside for anyone, including his own children.

There was a man who married a very beautiful woman. Unfortunately, he failed to impregnate her. He kept trying to impregnate her for a good 19 years, but his efforts went in vain. He thought his wife was the one having a problem. He married another wife, but he could not make her pregnant as well. So, people began accusing him as the one having infertility. He himself became aware of his condition, but he could not admit it.

When his relatives approached and told him to give his wives to his trusted cousins, he threatened to cause havoc and he caused it. If any of his cousins tried to make his wives pregnant, he could lose his life. He killed some and exiled others. Whenever people discussed his weakness, he and his cohorts could arm themselves and go after them. So, his relatives abandoned his wives for good.

Unfortunately, one wife succumbed to the consequences of his violence, and another wife, the first one, was grabbed by a non-relative. The infertile man remained not only childless but also stranded. His people hated him the most. Such a foolish infertile man shares a trait with Samuel Kot Mading. Samuel Kot Mading knows he is infertile but he could not allow one of his cousins to inherit his wife. The likelihood of his wife being snatched by a stranger is high. Later, do not say I have not informed you.


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