National, News

Medical staff, local chief abducted in Morobo

By Bosco Bush


Parts of Central Equatoria State, have been plagued by a series of abductions and disappearances allegedly carried out by members of the National Salvation Front (NAS) rebel group.

The latest incident occurred on Saturday, July 20, 2024, in Morobo County when an ambulance transporting medical staff to rescue a woman in labor from Lujule Payam was ambushed on the road.  The medical team was reportedly abducted and their whereabouts remain unknown.

Joseph Mawa, Commissioner of Morobo County confirmed to this outlet that an ambulance belonging to the county health department was attacked and set ablaze by members of the NAS rebels at Londuku Center of Yugufe Boma.

He said that both the driver, Mr. Emmanuel Moro and the medical staff Mrs. Nema Given were abducted – including one chief called Mr. Yoasa Kari. Since then, the abductees’ whereabouts remain unknown.

“Actually, on date 20, July 2024, there was an ambulance that belongs to the County Health Department that was sent to pick up a laboring woman to the hospital, before reaching the destination where the woman was, this ambulance fell in ambush of National Salvation Front,” he said.

“They removed the driver and the midwife, then they attempted to burn the ambulance but at last the ambulance didn’t burn, it only burned the side of the driver and the rooftop carpet,” the commissioner further narrated.

“The two abductees are still under the custodian of these people. Also, they entered deep in the village and arrested one of the chiefs/headmen called Yoasa Kari. Up-to-date (Monday) those three people are still under their custody. They didn’t release them,” Mawa stated.

According to information from the Commissioner’s office, the medical staff were abducted for using a government registration plate vehicle that crossed into their (rebel) territory.

Mawa called on the perpetrators to desist from attacking civilians and humanitarian workers and urgently release the 3 abductees as soon as possible.

He noted that one of the abductees (the midwife) is a lactating mother with a 9-month-old baby who has been left helpless back home.

“The midwife has a child of 9 months, which is still breastfeeding left behind and the child is crying day and night,” Mawa said.

Early July, authorities and residents in the neighboring Yei River Country reported similar incidents of abductions and disappearances of civilians which is believed to be perpetrated by the NAS rebels in the area.

NAS is yet to comment on the allegation.

Last week during a council of ministers meeting on Thursday, the Central Equatoria State Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement presented a memo on security concerns, highlighting crimes such as killings, abductions, injuries, and gang robberies in various parts of the state.

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