Lakes state, National, News

Three injured in revenge attack

By Yang Ater Yang


At least three people were shot and wounded in a revenge attack in the Rumbek Central County area over the weekend, according to local authorities.

Lakes State Police Spokesman Major Elijah Mabor Makuac told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper on Monday that the overall security situation in Lakes State remains calm and normal, with only two incidents reported over the weekend.

Mabor explained that around 5:30 AM on Saturday, fighting broke out between sub-clans of Rumbek North, leading to the injuries of two brothers, identified as Malaat Puoric Anyuon and Chol Puoric Anyuon.

The two brothers are from the clan of Executive Chief Mabor Dhieu.

“The fighting was a result of a revenge attack over someone who was killed during inter-clan clashes a long time ago,” Mabor said. “The two sub-clans met in Thou-bor village, and the clashes erupted again.”

The two injured brothers were evacuated to Rumbek State Hospital, where they are currently receiving treatment. The suspects have fled, but security forces are still pursuing them for investigation.

In another incident on the same day, July 18th, a gunman shot and wounded someone identified as Marial of Machir, who is under the authority of Executive Chief Mabor Dhieu. The shooting was also an act of revenge for a previous incident.

“The suspect ran away, and the security situation remains calm,” Mabor said. “The security forces are still pursuing the perpetrator for arrest and investigation.”

Mabor urged the local community in Lakes State to refrain from taking the law into their own hands through revenge attacks, as this leads to a never-ending cycle of violence.

He called on the community to cooperate with security forces to apprehend criminals and have them face the due process of the law.

Dr. Terran Madit Terran, who confirmed that Rumbek State Hospital received the gunshot victims, said the patients sustained different types of injuries, including a gunshot wound to the limbs and another to the mouth.

He added that one patient with a serious abdominal wound was referred to Juba for further treatment.

Overall, the hospital was able to stabilize the patients, and they are currently receiving medication and care.


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