National, News

U.S commends South Sudan Martyrs’ Day

By Deng Ghai Deng


The United State of America (USA), today, joins the people of South Sudan to commemorate Martyrs’ Day.

In a message, the US Embassy in Juba pays tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for the nation’s journey toward self-determination and independence.

Martyrs’ Day is a significant occasion in South Sudan, celebrating the courage and sacrifice of individuals who played fundamental roles in the country’s history.

In the statement, the Embassy highlights the contributions of six U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) personnel who lost their lives in 1992 and 2008 while working to support South Sudanese communities in the lead-up to the nation’s independence.

“We recall in particular six colleagues serving with the United States Agency for International Development who made the ultimate sacrifice in 1992 and 2008 working to help the people of this country prior to its independence,” the statement reads.

The Embassy reaffirms its support for South Sudan’s ongoing efforts to achieve peace, democracy, and human rights. It emphasized that the memories of the fallen USAID workers, serve as a reminder of the enduring partnership between the United States and South Sudan.

They will never be forgotten and have an eternal place of honor in the history of U.S. engagement to help the South Sudanese people,” the statement concludes. “We honor their memories by standing with all those in South Sudan who work for peace, democracy, human rights, and a better future for all.”

Martyrs’ Day, held annually on July 30, commemorates the deaths of those who lost their lives in the struggle for South Sudan’s independence. This includes Dr. John Garang, the country’s founding father, who died in a plane crash in 2005.


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