National, News, Warrap

Seven killed in Warrap cattle camp attack

By Deng Ghai Deng


At least seven people, including three children and a teenage girl, were killed in a cattle camp in Warrap’s Tonj East County on Tuesday.

William Wol, the Warrap State Information Minister, confirmed the grim details of the incident, which occurred during the early hours when assailants violently stormed the camp.

The victims included two women, a man, three children, and a teenage girl. Three of the wounded are in critical condition and have been transported to Romic for urgent medical care.

“Unidentified armed men entered into the cattle camp, killing seven innocent people, including three children—one young girl, two women, and one man. Six others were wounded, with three in critical condition and now being taken to Romic for medical treatment,” Wol reported.

Wol said the local authorities suspect the attack was a revenge strike, with the perpetrators believed to be from the same vicinity.

In response to the violence, the state government has mobilized and sent security forces to the area to restore peace and protect the remaining residents.

“With the little forces we have at the county level we are also doubling our efforts to reinforce them such that there is no escalation of the incident. Nevertheless, the forces stationed at Romic headquarters are in a position to protect” he added.

Wol said the investigation into the attack is ongoing, with authorities working to identify and apprehend those responsible for the brutal act.

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