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It is optional to be sad or happy as you go through life

As human beings, we have dreams and aspirations for what we want to achieve in our lifetime. We strive to attend school, graduate, secure a good job, settle down, and find the right partner to marry.

Others aim to accomplish their goals in business, or politics, or travel the world to appreciate nature’s beauty. However, things don’t always unfold as planned. Despite our best efforts, we often face disappointment or heartbreak.

Life can be unpredictable, leaving us with tears to wipe away instead of celebrating our successes. That is the nature of life, it is not smooth, and nothing is straightforward. Yet, if we stand strong and face challenges head-on, everything works out for our good. Pursuing our dreams and desires won’t be easy.

It will be challenging, and we will frequently question why things seem to work against us. We will fall, and no one may be there to help us up. We will cry alone, and we must wipe away our tears to overcome these hurdles. Life demands resilience; it is hard to remain strong when the world seems against us. It is tough to believe that things will work out when our world is crumbling, but we must persevere.

Our ideas and plans will make sense one day if we don’t give up. Regardless of who we are, where we come from, or what we do, our life is a result of the commitments and decisions we make today. If we feel unworthy, we must rethink our stance, as we are being unfair to ourselves. The first step to achieving our dreams is to believe in ourselves and the gifts God has given us. Everyone has a unique gift, and it is our choice to discover and develop it or let it die within us. Undiscovered gifts can haunt us, and unfulfilled plans may come back to haunt us tomorrow, asking why we didn’t execute them.

Don’t let those gifts die with you. Others may doubt our abilities, but God created us for a purpose. The fact that God made us human beings, with the capacity to plan and dream, is evidence of our importance. Even in the midst of challenges, human beings can bounce back and achieve their goals.

When we see someone who has overcome obstacles and achieved success, we should be humbled and encouraged. These individuals have gone through similar struggles but remained strong, hopeful, and patient. We can learn from their experiences and understand that life will take us through pain and challenges, but with resilience, we can move forward. No matter how weak we are or how many times we’ have tripped and fallen, we don’t exist by accident or chance. We are here for a purpose, and regardless of the challenges surrounding our life, we should be grateful for ourselves, what we have, and who we are.

Your life may seem meaningless to you or others, but not to God. If it were meaningless, you would have been dead by now. We are not abandoned; we have someone willing to correct our mistakes when we go wrong, listen to us when the world seems against us, wipe our tears when we cry, and lift us up when we fall. That person is God. We need to cling to Him when the world around us proves cruel. Whatever situation you find yourself in – pain, disappointment, divorce, or otherwise – surrender it to God and wait patiently for His response.

You may not have parents, friends, or relatives who support you; they may even want you to fail. You may be struggling with your spouse or seeking to achieve something in life but facing darkness. These challenges are hard to deal with alone, but we must give them to God and expect the best from every unpromising situation.

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