National, News, Northern Bahr el-ghazal

Health officials link death of five children in Aweil to food poisoning

By Hou Akot Hou


Health officials in Northern Bahr El Ghazal state suspect that food poisoning may have been the cause of the deaths of five children in Malual-baai payam, Aweil East County two weeks ago.

According to the report, the five siblings died after consuming a meal prepared from leaves of various plants, including sesame leaves, mixed with other non-edible food items.

Lual Aleu Jok, the health education focal point for the state, said a team of health practitioners from the UN World Health Organization, the State Ministry of Health, and other health officers was dispatched to the area to investigate the incident.

“The team’s investigations imply that the poorly cooked leaves of plants might have caused the deaths,” Jok said.

“The neighbours reported that after eating the food, the children developed fatigue and vomiting.”

Samples have been collected from the sixth child, the eldest daughter in the family, who is currently receiving treatment in the hospital. The samples have been sent to laboratories in Juba for analysis to determine the exact cause of the deaths.

Jok cautioned people against consuming unidentified wild fruits or leaves, especially in times of economic hardship when food may be scarce.

“The result from the labs in Juba will determine the real cause of the five children’s deaths, following a similar case that unfolded in Aweil South in which a similar number passed on, including the parents,” Jok said.

In a separate incident, health authorities have reported a case of a suspected Hepatitis E patient in Kuom village. The patient is experiencing symptoms of fatigue and liver inflammation, which is believed to be linked to drinking contaminated water from a pool. Samples have also been sent to Juba for further testing to confirm the diagnosis.

Officials have urged the public to be more cautious and vigilant about food and water sources, despite the ongoing economic challenges in the region.


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